"I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul."
An old adage but so very true if we were to understand the nuances of it.
Isn't is strange how we treat our success and failure? If it is success, it is due to us as in what lies inside us but if it is failure, we do not think twice before allaying it to the outside. There is no point attributing our failure to a person, event or circumstances. This is akin to rationalizing ourselves from facing reality in the face of it and standing up for ourself more so our choices. If our choices could lead us to success, they could lead us to failure too. Accepting this truth is the only way out!
We are not born with wisdom inherent in us; this is something we acquire through the mileage of our life. As we grow and face the challenges of life, we develop certain traits that makes us who we are! Our life can be just what we want to be if we do not let our fire go out in the hopeless swamps of the unknown and the lost. Do check the path and the nature of battle sought and set foot accordingly. Life never offers you something you cannot handle. Let not the trials in life, mow you down; they only make you stronger and who you are and when you face a similar situation the next time, you just know how to deal with it.
Your life can be what you want it to be, only if you did not rush into it and took it a moment at a time. The world you deserve is real and will surely unfold itself when the time is ripe for it to happen!
I end this note with my favorite quote from Grandma E. Moses,
"Life is what we make it, always has been, always will be..!!