If you haven't the strength to impose your own terms upon life, you must accept the terms it offers you.
~ T. S. Eliot
Life can hit real hard at times. Some incidents knock you down, some breeze past while some blow you out and bring you to your knees. How many times do we wallow in the bitterness of our lives that has embittered us deeply to the extent of them leaving a dent on us? Be it the emotional upheavals due to the lows in business or career, a broken heart, being grossly misunderstood, lovelorn, untrue accusations, drifting away of close relations, death of revered ones, frayed experiences of being used as a pawn after having been unknowingly kept in the dark, caught in Catch 22 situations, the list would go on endlessly...
It's oft said, "Move On...". Do not hold back onto the past, live in the present, dream of the tomorrows that are waiting to unfold themselves with time. Is it really as easy as it is said? NO. For the value system inculcated within us as we are brought up, all our life, we are taught to hold onto things; aren't we? Isn't this just why "letting go" doesn't come as easily to us as it is said..??
I've spent my life time trying to seek answers, reasons as to why did I go through what I did and what is it that I need to do and I am cent percent sure, I'm not the lone person going through such gamut of emotions that cage and bind me to the indelible incidents of the past. It is one hell of a heavy load, indeed which followed me wherever I went. In my vagabond sojourn that I embarked on few days back, I left with an intention to seek some answers that were cluttering my mind, forcing me to withdraw into my shell every alternate day affecting my productivity and family relations. I did not seek what I wanted to but I learnt one thing "things happen only when you are ripe for them to happen". Nothing happens accidentally. It is all pre-ordained and they happen for a reason with lessons to be learnt. This is not something new that dawned on me; I had been aware of it all the time but had chosen denial of accepting this reality of life.
Its true that very few admit that your past moves on with you wherever you move and even affects your thinking capabilities thereby having a cascading effect in your life. How long do you want to live a life like this of being a moron controlled by an unseen force? Is a puppet all that you want to be for the rest of your life not bothering to see the good blossoming around you and caring for the people who really care for you; thereby further complicating your already complex life?
Can you really undo what has happened? Can you reset your life? NO. There is no delete, undo or reset button in life for we are not technical pre-programmed gadgets but humans with a sense of feelings, yet, we cannot remain emotionally gullible perennially. When you reach such phases in your life; just STOP and THINK.
Pause in life as many times in your life as you need to, to ponder, weigh and take the call on the next logical move that you need to take after you have given yourself the much deserved time to mull over it such that you can keep your past buried deep within your system and not let it affect you. Solitude and withdrawing into your shell is good only if handled wisely. It could transform you for your worst making you tread the road to self-destruction and perdition or for the best as in letting you live a life of your dreams based solely on your efforts. Try a different approach. Accept the past in the face of it and make it a part of your life. In a way it is these very incidents that shape you into being the person that you are today, isn't it..??
Wouldn't it be nice, if we plunge ourselves head on, on the same journey that we had embarked on without these incidents halting and affecting us? We were en route somewhere, weren't we? With renewed faith in self and following our true calling in life, our spirits will be lifted de facto. Do they help? YES. The control lies in our hands to take radical measures or baby steps as is apt to move on.
Motivation is intrinsic and you've to seek it on your own. No one can do it for you. The battles of your life only you can fight. No one can do on your behalf. At best, the anam caras and travelers in your life can only lend their shoulder for you to rest on, give you a sense of direction, share with you, your experiences along with theirs and when they realize they have played their part they, too, move on; so why can't we..??
When life seems hard, it is more about how hard you let it hit you and what you do to defend it. Consider yourself as the author of your own life where every page is written by you. Open your heart, mind n' soul akin to the wonders of this mysterious life. Demolish the bridges behind you for you do not have to tread that path ever again. It is enough that it is cemented in your memories. Now on, all you need to do is have faith, look ahead n' MOVE ON... :)
Life is calling... where are you..??
So happy and proud to have been part of your journey- hope to be there for the rest of it....