Sometimes life writes stories that nobody could imagine.
Years back, I set on a quest to find out my calling in life. That further led to defining the "I" in me. Till then, I used to always say to the people around me that I am destiny's favorite child, thanks to the trials n' tribulations I had to go through from a very young age.
After a lot of soul searching and introspection; I now define myself as under:
This is ME
rebel, thinker, realistic, passionate, emotional soul!!
a soul in search of her calling,
a professional in pursuit of her goal,
a heart seeking it's own realm n' pristine love,
a child-woman yearning to break FREE..!!
Will I ever get to be all of it or is it just a fragment of my wild imagination where I am demanding too much life..?? How often and for how long has such similar thought crossed your mind..?? I am certain, I am not the lone one longing for such simplicity from life that has extenuated life's little things from our present day complicated lives. There are many perceptions that life is this and life is that but is there are true absolute definition to life?
The definition of "I" and the true meaning of life are intertwined and juxtaposed such that one cannot exist without the other and it is imperative that we define both and stay grounded on both by imbuing it in our system if we have to live a balanced life.
In our day to day survival in Darwin's world, we are told it is only the "Survival of the fittest" exist. So, is life a war field where you've to keep battling for your existence? That would lead us to a different world in itself. The man-eating-man kinds. For sure, none of us want to belong to such a realm.
Life is a journey not a destination said someone else. Is it indeed, actually? Now, this comes close to our experiences but still doesn't answer the query with an authoritative finality.
Sometimes life sucks. Sometimes life gets so hard that you don't want to be put through it anymore. Sometimes life is so stressful, and all you want to do is cry and then relax to give vent to all your feelings that have been bottled up within you. But sometimes life is beautiful, too. Mother Nature is a true blessing in disguise. It calms and soothes your mind and you feel invigorated in its midst. Sometimes life feels so happy with little things that you want the moment stay forever. You want the universe to pause but at the same time there are also those moments of hell holes in life that consume you in the vortex of the black hole and you feel as if its the end and there is nothing more that you can do. At such times, you just have to stay positive, and push through all the hard times. Connect with the loved ones and share your life as they share theirs to boost your adrenaline or go to some faraway place where you are not known and you have no obligations to honor, disconnect from all forms of communication with the external world and in this new found solitude, figure out the mess in your life and iron out all the problems in your life by plucking and throwing the weeds that you let grow through moments of callousness. Trust me, this works..!!
And the only reason why you should be doing all of this is that LIFE is worth it and so are YOU..!!
Always remember, "Life is infinitely stranger than anything the mind could invent..."