I look to the sky, a cloudless sway, put a conch to my ear, a silent sea, strange is life, stranger are its ways... an empty path ahead, that connects to me. I too, like most of you started my life with a belief and a dream. En route, my journey, I went through a lot. Love, friendship, betrayal, politics, responsibilities, work, success, failure, accidents, happiness, contentment. During the bright phases, I felt on top of the world having made a niche of my own at a young age, being able to weather all storms and provide my family all that I wanted to and living my life to the fullest. The only thing I firmly adhered to was to not let this success hit my head and I clung to the roots, my parents and Alma Mater inculcated in me. During the dark phases that have been more oft and back to back; I felt as if I was being sucked into an endless black hole thinking that I would end. When people whom I thought were mine did not stand by me during my crisis; I felt shattered but e...
... feelings, thoughts, realization ...