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Living in Eternity!

A profound quote by Osho set me thinking about time and eternity. He said "You exist in time, but you belong to eternity.

So much of wisdom lies in this thought.   

In reality, time is a relative term and does not exist. The real meaning of eternity is not time forever but timelessness. When we use the word time, we refer to the past, present or future which essentially is a transient extraction of eternity.

All belief systems and scriptures make us think, life is temporal and afterlife is eternal and this is what we train our mind. Our actions are focused on earning the goodwill for a heavenly beyond death experience which no living person can vouch for.

Why? - This is because we are made of combined mass and energy with an ad interim memory. We all are eternal. We are just one soul changing forms and moving on. If we exist in the now, we exist in the then too.

Learn the language of the Universe. 

Live in the
NOWLive it fully without any bearings in the mind and heart.


Nitya Rao said…
Very true. Time is relative. There is actually no past or future. There's is only this moment. What's gone does not exist except in our minds. The future is our imagination. In Siddhartha written by Herman Hesse he says that even though the river is flowing what exists is the one in front of us. So is time.
Thank you for stirring my thoughts and reminding me to live in the now.
Thank You!
The quote stirred mine.

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