When you have to start compromising yourself and your morals for the people around you, it’s probably time to change the people around you.
Remember that we all live our own lives. We do not live the life of another. For us to reach our pre-ordained destiny and realize our dreams, there will be many critics in life whom we have to put them on "ignore" mode; be it their insults, opinions and judgments - you’ll have to cast them all aside. For if you do not; then it means you are letting them control your life. The outcome is such that you would become so estranged from yourself and feel like the real YOU is trapped inside you screaming to let it out. Do you want to go through such myriad of emotions? NO. So, exclude yourself from all such people who create nothing but instigate you, pollute your mind and create mayhem with a whole lot of drama in your life just to add spice to their entertainment.
As Ayn Rand rightfully says "I need no warrant for being, and no word of sanction upon my being. I am the warrant and the sanction."; isn't this true..?? This should be the guiding principle of all our lives.
To live your life in your own terms, first you need to have a strong sense of your self within, evoke your consciousness at the deepest level and take only radical n' practical decisions as is the need of the hour.It is important that you do not let the vagaries of life leave their imprints on you. Learn from them; unlearn and relearn if you've to.. it's a must..!! If you can ensure that you've defined your own boundaries and value system, which means that you essentially know who the real YOU is and can take care of your being; then you are equipped to take care of and hold the handle of your life.
Remember always ~
Don’t compromise yourself. You’re all you’ve got..!!