“There seems to be a kind of order in the universe, in the movement of the stars and the turning of the earth and the changing of the seasons, and even in the cycle of human life. But human life itself is almost pure chaos.
~ Katherine Anne Porter
We are all here for a purpose. But, how many of us really do realize that the time is ripe and we are ready for to seek the purpose, if we haven't as yet? Instead of finding peace within us, we seek it in the realm outside. Such state of mind doesn't last long. Sooner or later in our life, as we look at the reflection in the mirror, we realize this question staring at us through our reflection. This is where begins the journey to define the "I" in us. No matter what be the nature of questions we pose, the answer might be sought then or through some signs that nature unveils in our path as we move on. Patience and endurance are the key factors. Truth remains, we are here on Planet Earth to touch each others lives while evolving within to a higher state of consciousness as also facilitating it for those around us who are in the same wavelength.
The journey of our life is a vicious rigmarole where we see different seasons (read phases/chapters) of our life that surmise our lifetime here till we reach the zero hour. Every element of nature, the zeniths and the nadirs with their chaperons in hope, faith, chaos, conflict, love, loss, reality, success, gratitude n' its ilk envelope us and help us grow as an individual. Every season sculpts us, to reveal the real person lying deep within us. Just like how the seasons of nature come and go in a pre-ordained flow with some exceptions in between, we too face something similar in our expedition. Wisdom lies in not letting "a Season in our Life define our Lifetime". For the uninitiated, the end of the season doesn't mean the end of life. We have to move on with the learning's from this season to live through the next.
Every season is a precursor to the next. Knowing this is very essential as it holds the key to the rest of the journey. These seasons sometimes nurture a safe sanctum from us from where we spread out and explore the different facets of life discovering every moment passing by; at the same time, they also pose deterring challenges that waver our strong will, fragment us into pieces beyond recall, leaving us to figure our state-of-affairs on our own. It is at this point that our integrity is tested by the spiritual power controlling our strings. Clinging on to the lowest phase and defining this phase as your lifetime is what a loser would do. Do you want to be one..??!! No. The dry seasons in life do not last forever. The spring rains will come again.
Learn what you've to and just keep moving on till you end your lifetime here. There is no end to this mystical journey called life. When, What, Where, How it unveils what before us is something we cannot herald even a remote guess on. Let this mystery excite you to move on to the next season and see what's that got in store for you.
Its just one short life that we have, then why waste the precious time on the unwanted that would only bring you down; just live life to the fullest as it unfolds for there are no rewinds, pause or replay buttons in life. Never wish to live your life "once again"; its the worst form of regret. Whatever you want, do it NOW for there are no second chances..!!
seasons change but
they continue to flow
reach out to them
to know more n' more
to be able to sift
the surreal from the whole
as these passing moments
will embellish n' kinder
your soul..!!