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Pauses in Life

Now and then it's good to pause in our journey of life.

We all have different journeys n' take different paths along the way. We all are meant to reach somewhere, our destination in Life n' learn enroute. It is good to be on the move always n' keep adapting to changes thus evolving all the time. But, what do you do when you reach cross roads n' are unable to decide? In the fast paced life that we all live in today where we are all hell bent on living a runaway life, we are gheraoed by situations that call for immediate actions. What do you do when your mind n' soul akin send you signals that you got to halt, to re-analyze, ponder n' weigh the situation in hand? This is just the time when you need to pause just like Twilight: A time of pause when nature changes her guard. All living things would fade and die from too much light or too much dark, if twilight were not there. Even the rhythms in music are triggered by the spaces (read pauses) in between the notes and lyrics.

Whatever be the nature of complexities of the sitution we face, our challenges can be handled well if we are able to strike the right balance. Instead of rushing into a situation, PAUSE for it is a sign that you are in control n' not short sighted or impulsive. It would be a gross misnomer if we think that we make progress or move forward only when we are in motion. Certain insights especially the life changing ones surface n' come into focus only in the depth of silence when we have paused.

So, put on your thinking cap; take a deep breath n' pause awhile. For in Life, it is the pauses that make all the difference..!!


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