I look to the sky, a cloudless sway,
put a conch to my ear, a silent sea,
strange is life, stranger are its ways...
an empty path ahead, that connects to me.
I too, like most of you started my life with a belief and a dream. En route, my journey, I went through a lot. Love, friendship, betrayal, politics, responsibilities, work, success, failure, accidents, happiness, contentment. During the bright phases, I felt on top of the world having made a niche of my own at a young age, being able to weather all storms and provide my family all that I wanted to and living my life to the fullest. The only thing I firmly adhered to was to not let this success hit my head and I clung to the roots, my parents and Alma Mater inculcated in me. During the dark phases that have been more oft and back to back; I felt as if I was being sucked into an endless black hole thinking that I would end. When people whom I thought were mine did not stand by me during my crisis; I felt shattered but each time during every such sojourn, I have had someone who has stepped in my life out of nowhere, connected with me, held me and helped me come out and move on. I call each one of these as "travelers" in my life for they expect nothing in return and move on when they have done their deed leaving us to carry on the same deed. Had it not been for them and my sheer spirit to bounce back, I would have been history today. It's not them alone and it's not my spirit alone, it's both. As it's said, it takes "two to tango!".
I am not the lone one to have been through this very journey. We all do. I have understood this but how many of you do? Learn to acknowledge these travelers and let them lead when you can't think for yourself. They indeed are messiahs in disguise. Don't get into a shell, reach out and you will be reached.
What I have learnt is that what makes a difference is you n' you alone! If you have a belief in yourself that is staunch and unrivalled; be it a blue sky or a gray sky, you will know... they all pass for they have to! It's just a matter of time. If a beating is what it takes to bring out the best you then let the world dole out its absolute worst for you have it in you to take it.
Life does not come without a price; there is hurt, pain and sacrifice which only make us grow stronger over time, success which does not come without blood and sweat, ability to "Move On" which is impossible without a determination, happiness which cannot be felt without connecting to the little joys that Mother Nature has laid for us, the list would go on...This is the very elm of our life!
Do not get attuned to the same way the society is programmed if you want to be whom you want to be. STOP. PAUSE. THINK. ACT. Trust me, we all are as FREE as much as we believe and want to be and then there are these travelers in our life to make all the difference!!
Life is calling...