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It's really strange.. how one fine day when someone who has been a part of your life for long and is really close to you, just walks out of your life abruptly leaving you shocked, speechless n' high and dry with some vague reasoning created of their own mindset. Are true relations so frivolous? Are the foundations so weak?? True meaningful relations in life should only be formed when the base premise is that of TRUST and COMMITMENT for they have to be nurtured and cared to survive and thrive all the zeniths and nadirs of life. As long as this realm exists, the relation is blessed with harmony n' bliss. When relations are taken lightly, no amount of sacrifice n' efforts can salvage the damage done. It is in such times that it is better to let go and move on. There is no point in chaining someone when he/she doesn't want to. Relations are like holding sand in your palm. You try to grip them and you never know when they slide away from in between the gaps of yo

The 3 C's of our life: Circumstances, Choices n' Consequences

No matter the circumstances life presents to you there are always choices. It is when you say you have no choice there no longer will be one. ~ Marty Ness ~ Ever notice how some people go through really tough times and come out enlightened, better and stronger, while others end up embittered, shallow and defeated..?? The difference lies in how they respond to what happens to them; what choices they make in life for in the end it is these very choices that shape their lives. En route life's journey of all the trials, tribulations, jubilation, surprises, heart-burn and amusement that life offers is; you have to realize that life is roller coaster journey with a mind set of its own. You could face circumstances where you would be at the receiving end of things right, left and center. It could also snow ball if not handled it rightly with efficacy. An ideal way would be to act as a realist and step back to weigh the situation in hand, think through and then make a conscious

Lost in translating Life..!!

Oh! How I wish I could backtrack my steps before moving forward any more. Maybe not so much retrace, either, as relive but to set straight certain matters which I should have way back then. What if life could be controlled by a remote, then no understanding would have been required at all; it would just be a series of clicks ..?! As a realist, I know that I cannot backtrack for the rules of nature are not as such but I can certainly pause  the "NOW" to surmise and comprehend the situation that I have in hand for I'm feeling lost in the translation of understanding the dynamics of life (a journey, I embarked upon couple of years back). The realm of life is such a vast expanse that even the timeline of a lifetime seems hell short of coping up with the pace of time to make sense of the reality of reality. Come what may we can only learn life backwards and live it forwards. There are no rooms for making repetitive mistakes; either learn from the first time you erred o

Dealing with the "use" friendly world..!!

As Jack Welsh, once truly said " Control your destiny or somebody will." Your ESSENCE, the innermost core of you is what is YOU in real. In this "use" (anyone to you convenience) friendly world; its likely you would be the victim if you do not realize the value of your essence and shield it. How often have you heard the phrase "I was/felt used"? How often have you realized, people get magnetized to you only when they need you else you do not exist in their world? Answer is YES, many times, right..?? It can get triggered anywhere: home, workplace, friends, relations. Name it and you will see an instance of it in some person's life. Why does this happen? No one is to be blamed here. The predator needed a victim and you were vulnerable enough to become its prey. It was your own conscious choice then why blame the world? You chose to be trampled upon. Blame yourself. Its a man-eat-man world where we all live in and Darwin's theory of &qu

Is what we want to accomplish, what we want really..?!

A recently released film that I watched today, forced me to think on these lines once again and pre-empted me to write this blog... Most of us don’t even know what we want. We think we do, but in reality we do not. Have you ever tried to ponder, sit down and list them all and been able to do it all..??!! In a little more than a decade, the whole face and shape of our lives have changed in such a fierce rapid pace and I don't know how many amongst us have realized this..?? In the materialistic radar, we act frenzied and run behind material possessions and gains which take us to a surreal world where everything is either superficial or fake and short-lived leaving us bereft of real emotions and lust for money, name, fame, success n' it's ilk? We short change our value system inculcated in us by our parents and alma mater to win the race or raise the bar, whatever the situation be. It gives a kick, doesn't it? I am not saying money is not important. It is a

Moving On...

If you haven't the strength to impose your own terms upon life, you must accept the terms it offers you. ~ T. S. Eliot Life can hit real hard at times. Some incidents knock you down, some breeze past while some blow you out and bring you to your knees. How many times do we wallow in the bitterness of our lives that has embittered us deeply to the extent of them leaving a dent on us? Be it the emotional upheavals due to the lows in business or career, a broken heart, being grossly misunderstood, lovelorn, untrue accusations, drifting away of close relations, death of revered ones, frayed experiences of being used as a pawn after having been unknowingly kept in the dark, caught in Catch 22 situations, the list would go on endlessly... It's oft said, "Move On...". Do not hold back onto the past, live in the present, dream of the tomorrows that are waiting to unfold themselves with time. Is it really as easy as it is said? NO. For the value system inculcated

Footprints in the sands of time

My mind wants to interpret the dreams that are mine; I want to fulfill these dreams that are mine..!! I am a dreamy eyed girl who set foot on my journey after my education, almost 2 decades back to create a mark of her own. My own signature identity as I call it..!! At the onset of the journey, I was surprised initially to discover, how little I knew of my strengths n' weaknesses and of the different facets of life, how much unknown I was to what I wanted to do with my life, how clueless I was about my destination and which road to take, I did not know whether what I was seeing was a reflection or a mirage; all I knew was that I had the had to move on and I had the unwavering will in my stride to create an identity for me. Initially, I accepted things at their face value and treated them as gospel only to face the consequences at a later stage. En route the journey, I learnt to value reality checks and dared to be real in a world of pretence. I accepted life in its tru

Eternal radiance of a pristine mind..!!

In my quest, to understand the subtle nuances of life beyond everything; I realized how naive and unaware was I about the boundless powerhouse I had within myself in the form of my radiant pristine mind. As we all know, there are two facets of our mind: conscious and subconscious. While day in - day out, we sap our conscious mind to its optimal potential when we are awake (that's what we think, don't we..??!!); when it is actually the subconscious mind that does the wonders when we rest or experience oneness within ourselves. It is this facet of our mind that creates new dimensions, seeds new thoughts, shapes our ideas, liberates us from the layered wisdom imbibed through experience and sets us apart from the rest, making us "unique" in our own way while the former facet is more impulsive and instantaneous in its reaction to stimulus of life. When both the facets are juxtaposed, our mind has the prowess to actuate us to create the incogitable. In a single moment, we h

Shun the duality - Just be YOU..!!

We all have many facets of us and en route the journey of life as moments pass us by, we are given various choices that are literally thrown at us and this happens through our lifetime. Why do we let whoever or whatever we feel at that moment as strongest, impede on all the rest..?? Do the rest, do not deserve fair-play? Who is the decider within us who decides this is it when you've to make a choice? If the choice results in happiness; feel content, if not; do not disdain. The choice was yours, alone anyway. So deal with it..!! Going forward, strike a fine balance always whenever you are making the choice. It's an art that needs to be learnt and mastered over time. We all believe that our ‘individual self’ (at whatever stage of life we are) is who we really are and it is end of the chapter. But, have you ever been open enough to realize that the celestial sphere throws us in a vast expanse where we can exploit our "BEING" that in return helps us in understanding

Living in the Surreal World

The surreal world, once an evolution has today morphed so well in our daily lives that we fail to realize that it has taken over our real life. Have you had to face situations where you had to save yourself with a smirk or a caustic smile and had the feeling that "What in the hell was that..?!! WEIRD... WTF". This has a lot to say about the socially conscious high tech surreal life, we are leading today which instead of advancing us has relegated us to becoming soulless bodies who seem to have an opinion on anything and everything about the universe. It is true there has been a rapid evolution in the environment around us, especially technology that seems to be growing at a rapid rate and sucking us in its gyre. Peer and social pressure compels us to match pace with its version of representation of what should be our world. Take for instance success of the likes of Facebook, Twitter n' its cult. YES, it has made the world appear a mere speck as against its

Ever felt like a stranger in your own life?

I crossed the great ocean and yet, I halted so close to the shore when I found myself alone stripped off all will n' deplete of any energy to take me to the other side. I am not the only person who has reached such crossroads in life n' found myself at vain. A peek around tells me there are many like me. It is not that one fine day, I had lightening strike me out of the blue that made me realize that I am a stranger in my own life. I have felt so many-a-times n' till date it continues to harrow n' browbeat the winds out of me each time I go through it. It is more like a reality check crisis where I find me questioning myself on: Who am I? What am I doing? How on earth did I land myself here? Where did my life go by? What is the way ahead? Suddenly, my life seems surreal and I find myself as an observer who is observing my own life in reels. Such incidents come and go but they blur me out while they last. It is in such moments that I find it difficult t

What's happening in INDIA..??

I just can't understand, what's happening in my country..?? We are plagued with constant Terror Attacks, SCAMS of all kinds at all levels, rigged Corporate Governance (Radia tapes) and International Sports Events Management (IPL, CWG), commual riots, disastrous civic administration (especially in Bombay) that cannot handle seasonal rains; thereby introducing flash floods as the new buzzword, the corruption list and faulty disastrous management list can go on endlessly. On the other side there are the constant suicides by harassed housewives, pressurized teens and sexually abused orphans who are denied justice to no ends. Companies like Speak Asia come splashing and hogging the limelight in prime time and go with the EOW awaking only when the deed is done and dusted; Indians looted of 2000 CR, once again..!! Corruption is at it's zenith. India has been a known terror target for years and yet the ruling government have done nothing about it. Media and few honest

Where did the real LIFE go by..??

It's been quite some years now since I realized we are all moving towards an unrealistic world trying to be ubiquitous just like everyone else doing what the so called society does even while it is not the real us. Each has his/her own journey; story to tell. It all seems like a vicious rigmarole which seems to be usurping us into a vortex which will lead us where only time will unfold..!! I have been observing this pattern and killing myself trying to seek answers to it without any success. So, today I thought I should write about my thoughts on it... Inflation >> Never ending need to earn more and more money >> Family responsibilities >> Work Pressures coupled with politics and diplomacy >> Peer Pressures forcing you to take a call between spending time with friends or family >> Traffic/Climate/Health hazards >> Social pressures... and, we are done to death..!! Hasn't this become a monotonous trend for one and all of us..

Pauses in Life

Now and then it's good to pause in our journey of life. We all have different journeys n' take different paths along the way. We all are meant to reach somewhere, our destination in Life n' learn enroute. It is good to be on the move always n' keep adapting to changes thus evolving all the time. But, what do you do when you reach cross roads n' are unable to decide? In the fast paced life that we all live in today where we are all hell bent on living a runaway life, we are gheraoed by situations that call for immediate actions. What do you do when your mind n' soul akin send you signals that you got to halt, to re-analyze, ponder n' weigh the situation in hand? This is just the time when you need to pause just like Twilight: A time of pause when nature changes her guard. All living things would fade and die from too much light or too much dark, if twilight were not there. Even the rhythms in music are triggered by the spaces (read pauses) in between th

The "I" factor

Have you observed or realized that we all have an other side to us? I have. There are so many times that we toggle between the two and that is where the complexity in our life begins. It all begins with the "I" and the dream or the belief that we feel which would help us create our own identity. In our journey of defining the "I"; we come across many junctures where we have to take decisions. While these decisions have life impacting changes on us, we fail to realize the gravity of it until much later. A second factor that we come across is relations. I find relations to be very wierd. While we take some seriously, we look through/take light the rest. All of us tend to do the same. This "looking through" process when one is serious and the other is not is what causes the heartburn and the negativities that follow. The third factor is our quest to earn and make money and fast track our career/business. The more we earn, the merrier and no amount is en


What is FREEDOM .?? It is the ability to deliberate or weigh alternatives and make choices of our own on our own. Decision is akin to making incisions to the deepest level possible of every available alternative without any fear or worry. Having done this it becomes easier to seive what really matters to us from what doesn't. Fear knocked at the door. Faith answered. There was no one there. Speaks volumes, doesn't it? Such is Life. It is all about making one decision after another which makes us who we are..!! So, how important is freedom? Let me tell you, it is bloody hell important to each one us. Let go off this and the journey thereon will be a series of debacles and heart burn. When I make a decision, I withdraw into my shell (Yes, I'm a typical cancerian.!!) cut off all alternatives and make a choice and having done that then I do not look back in life ever. There have been numerous cross-roads in my life that made me halt, pause my life and

It's time to LIVE the REAL...

10 days of bed rest, post a surgery, gave me the much needed breathing space and got me to tread the introspective path which I seldom find time for in the humdrum of the fast paced career-tracked life of Bombay (Yes, I still belong to the rapidly diminishing cult of those who choose to refer to this city by its former name!). We all dream as we grow. Dream of what we wanna do, what life we wanna lead, the hobbies/interests/aspirations we wanna pursue, the soul mate we seek, et al. But, how many of us do really strive to make these dreams come true? I, too, had mine, but somewhere en route this journey of life, I lost it, where is something, I am yet to figure out..!! But, one thing is for sure, we have conditioned ourselves today to become someone we are not. We blame it on everything but us (or our own decisions); experience, reality, destiny n' all the crap. Crudely speaking, it is mere bull shit..!! It is we who stopped pursuing our dreams leaving it for a tomorrow th